About Us
A sea shell; a simple composition of calcium carbonate formed over time from our oceans. Inspiring the genesis of our beautiful line of tile and stone.
Architectural in nature – iridescent in color, their fossil remains are recycled into products that may be used architecturally for wall and floor veneers as well as furniture and cabinetry.
A Palette of natural and enhanced colorations, together harmonizes design.
Our products are engineered to serve as a green alternative that helps alleviate the disadvantages associated with mined stone. The shell and other marine fossils that form the foundation are natural fossil waste products derived regionally and internationally. Post industrial glass or other aggregates are utilized in the production process. The result is an eco-friendly line of stone and complimentary tile products that reveals the translucent light refracting qualities of glass and the natural beauty of shell.
The Vision
With a background in fine arts and landscape design Barbara Zigann along with a group of committed professionals developed in 1998 the product brand SeaStone®. Their vision was to create a legacy that would incorporate artistic design along with respect for our natural coral resources utilizing innovative technologies in its processes.
The creative vision matured with the addition of the SeaTile® and SeaGems® product brands which incorporate re-cycled shell and loose aggregates from other regions of our planet that are processed into tiles, laminates and other use for a wide variety of industries.
The company is strategically located in South Florida where this region provides the natural aggregate resource for the foundation of the SeaStone product design. An exclusive partnership arrangement with a fishery plant in New Zealand provides another resource for importation of other waste shell for production processes.
All the brands are introduced as a harmonious mix for use in interior and exterior design applications – The company markets their designs to the A & D community and other industries worldwide.
Our Corporate and Brand Symbol for the SeaStone Product Line

The Nautilus has long been revered by artists and designers and it represents symbolically the genesis of creation, perfect harmony and geometric beauty created solely by natures hand. The company name Matrix is synonymous with the definition of matrix (a substance in which something is embedded or enclosed) and ends with the developer’s Initial Z
LEED Contributor
In 2002 the company was recognized by the EPA for their efforts in preserving the Florida Coral in our region by developing a stone product using the waste elements of sand mining and branded the product SeaStone® – By design and innovation the product incorporates the natural loose fossil aggregate found in the foundation of our region and is manufactured into a stone that replicates the beauty of our natural coral. Other recycled elements are used in the manufacturing process such as glass and other shell derived from the fishing industry. The company continues to seek new ways to improve their processes and products in an effort to protect the environment.
The company is committed to ecological responsibility and was recognized for this well before re-cycling became a trend. The design of the product lines is to use raw materials that do not compromise the integrity of our plant and those that may be converted into beautiful products for use in a number of industries that will have extended durability. Utilizing geologic coral fossil waste, recycled glass and other remnants of the fishing industry that would otherwise be in the landfill.
The Company’s commitment goes beyond the materials and is incorporated in every aspect from the production facility utilizing green products and practices of water recycling systems that significantly reduce water consumption and use of their land which incorporates a railway service which further reduces the use of gas by transportation via the RR of raw and finished goods. The consumption and cost of packaging materials has been reduced through the use of recycled or reusable packaging.
Our products contribute to LEED ratings
To see LEED Evaluation of SeaStone CLICK HERE