Setting the standard for “GREEN” in hard surface design finishes
TheSeaStone collection of eco friendly products promotes the use of re-cycled natural fossil shell and post consumer glass in its composition. By its nature it aids in the protection of our fragile natural coral by emulating its appearance.

We support the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) GreenBuilding Rating System, the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings. Use of these products may contribute to LEED material and resource credits.
SeaStone® products offer the following features through design and engineering:
• Made in the USA – utilizing natural shell and other recycled waste resources available regionally and worldwide
• Hydraulically manufactured; calibrated and rectified through automated processes
• Uniquely processed to provide a natural variation from piece to piece that replicates the appearance of natural stone such that no two pieces are alike
• Available in flooring or paver thicknesses for vertical or horizontal applications
• Full line of matching edging and trim provides limitless design capabilities above and below the water line
• Enhanced color variations through the use of shell or glass – stones may be interchanged for versatility in design
• Suitable for interior/exterior, wet/dry, and floor/wall applications
• Freeze/thaw stable (ASTM C1026)
• Slip resistant, dry or wet, COF is >0.65 (ASTM D-1028-84)
• ASTM E 1980-01 meets or exceeds LEED requirement for SRI Heat Island effect (contributes 1 LEED point)
• UV resistant
• Stain, mold, mildew, and wear resistant (with proper sealing)
• Cost effective due to versatility of use
• Supported and tested by industry brand products for use in standard installation on grade or use with mortar
• Eco-friendly, Emerald Award winner for Green Products and Practices
Installation and Care Summary Guide
RECOMMENDED INSTALLATION METHODS: SeaStone 3/4” – 1” Flooring products are designed for standard industry masonry installation and installed in a manner similar to stone or marble, using comparable setting techniques. Latex modified adhesives and modified grouts are recommended to install our products per industry standards. Method of application will vary to suit the specific typeof condition. We allow a minimal one eighth (1/8”) to one fourth (1/4”) joint space for joining most pieces. The following guidelines are recommended in the ANSI Handbook and summarized in part below: Layout SeaStone dry to see where cuts will need to be made. Assess all design elements. Mix setting material per manufacturer’s instructions. Latex modified adhesives are recommended to install our product per industry standards. Install product in accordance withthe mortar adhesive manufacturer’s instructions and following ANSI procedures. Keep the face of the stone clean at all times by sponging with “clean” potable water. Installation should be performed by experienced installers, using diamond saws, familiar with the methods and guidelines set forth by the Marble Institute of America and The American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
SeaStone 1.5” or 2” Flooring/Paver designed to perform favorably on a sub-grade: Excavate unsuitable, unstable, or unconsolidated subgrade material and compact the area which has been cleared. Backfill and level with dense graded aggregate suitable for sub base material typically 4-6 inches of compacted sub base light vehicular and pedestrian traffic, increasing to 8-12 inches for heavy vehicular and industrial use (using only our 8 x 8 x 2” Paver designed for vehicular use). Method of application will vary to suit the specific condition therefore we recommend you consult with your installer prior to installation.
FOR BEST RESULTS: Blend material properly by distributing from every pallet. Products are stacked back to back & front to front. Inspect carefully prior to installation.
PRE-INSTALLATION CLEANING: Clean substrate of all residues. Sweep and wash dust, remove all oil and grease. Clean SeaStone with sponge using soap and “clean” water, both sides to remove all excess residue and/or dust. Keep the face of the stone clean at all timesby sponging with “clean” water.
PRE-GROUT CLEANING: Before grouting, clean SeaStone with masonry cleaner.
CLEANING AFTER INSTALLATION: Our products will clean with standard masonry and/or tile and stone cleaners. DO NOT USEACID TO CLEAN SeaStone. GROUT: We recommend that the choice of grout color be carefully selected to best complement and blend with the matrix of our product. Please note that colored grout may cause staining. Before specifying colored grouts, request a test sample to ascertain that the color pigments will not affect the natural appearance of SeaStone. Before setting grout, follow grout installation per manufacturer’s instructions.
MAINTENANCE AND AFTER-CARE: Sealers are recommended before and after grout application to prevent staining. Only periodic resealing is necessary. Consult floor care product manufacturer for specific instructions and recommendations. Apply to clean and drysurfaces only. Sealers should be U/L listed as “slip resistant”. Please consult floor care product manufacturer for instructions on Polishing SeaStone after installation in order to meet the requirements of a safe walking surface of 0.5 anti-slip coefficient of friction. General aftercare requires cleaning with a neutral cleaner that has a Ph near 7 and that is free from harmful alkali, acids, etc. A non-detergent cleaner such as Spic and Span, which does not leave a soap film, may be used. We do not recommend pressure cleaning on exterior SeaStone product. Treat strains as soon as possible.
STORAGE AND PROTECTION: SeaStone should be stored and handled in a manner to avoid chipping, breakage, staining or anyother damage. Prevent damage from water or moisture by storing in a secure dry facility. (Protect from damage by other trades.)
INSPECTION: Please inspect SeaStone products before installation. No claims will be allowed after the products have been installed. Using natural aggregate can cause slight color variation in concrete and SeaStone products. This matrix variation enhances the quality and natural appearance. Please note SeaStone products have a light natural shade and fossil variation that enhance its quality and natural appearance. Shading, color and aggregate variation is a natural expected occurrence and is not a defect. The product is not guaranteed for evenness of color and my not be the exact shade anticipated. The shade and color may vary overtime. Exposed fossils or fossil imprints may manifest voids and on occasions hairline separations between these fossil imprints may be visible occurring on the surface of the product and along its edges. These voids and/or minor imperfections enhance the natural quality and appearance of the product and shallnot be considered a defect or failure.
PRODUCT SUPPORT: SeaStone products are supported by brand name national companies. Please consult Matrix Z’s technical department, or product representative for further recommendations and/or brand name products for use in the installation, cleaning and sealing of our product.
Matrix Z is committed to ecological sustainability in all our products. These products are composed of real shell only the waste shell isused. Product shade, pattern, and color variations are inherent natural characteristics.
Please contact us for specific questions about our products.
Specification Data PDFs
SeaStone LEED pt Contribution data – CLICK HERE
ASTM Result Sheet – CLICK HERE
Product List and Packaging Specs – CLICK HERE